Since 2001, the CJC has provided Offenders Victims Impact Classes in Nebraska State prisons. CJC’s instruction prepares and encourages offenders to receive and accept cognitive and/or treatment programs. An offender who has completed the CJC course demonstrates they can understand, digest, and apply programming techniques more quickly and easily. CJC assists offenders in learning the true nature of crime and how crime harms/damages real people and communities.
“Over the past ten years I have seen so many women who truly believed that THEY were the only victim of their crime. After a class, they come away with a realization, and a new attitude about what they have done, and how many people were affected. The class is one of the single most effective things I have seen done at Nebraska Correctional Center for Women”
Mary Alley – Vocational Teacher II/Victims Advocate Nebraska Correctional Center for Women

In Nebraska Correctional Staff and Community Benefits

  • Supervision of offenders is easier (offenders are less defensive).
  • Staff and inmate safety is improved.
  • Offenders are able to understand, digest and apply treatment techniques easier and much faster.
  • Offenders become open to other programming.
  • Safer Communities (less crime).
  • Much lower recidivism rates.
  • Saved Tax Dollars!

The impact of these classes highlight the common ground we all share regarding pain and loss; having a deep down and long lasting emotional impact accelerates change in thinking and behaviors equaling less crime and safer communities. By utilizing surrogate victims we can speed up the accountability/growth process where offenders build important competencies skills essential in habilitation!

CJC participants comments – How was the class helpful?

  • Better understanding for myself as well as the victims. Given me the knowledge to apologize.
  • I understand how my crime affected the victims, community and myself. I understand I have an obligation to my victims.

To review all inmates class comments please contact James Jones at (402) 429-1050